First-Time Snorkeling – Location Tips


Snorkeling pic


Since 1987, Paul Angelides has served as the president of his own engineering firm in New York. In his free time, Paul Angelides enjoys spending time in and around the water and likes to go swimming, boating, and snorkeling.

Many elements go into a good first snorkeling trip, but one that few beginner snorkelers should consider is the ideal location. Ideally, a snorkeling novice should start from a beach rather than a boat. Fear and unease, both about the mechanics of swimming and the unique equipment used in snorkeling, can make starting from a boat a nerve-wracking experience. A beach makes it easier for a snorkeler to retreat and reassess.

The spot should also be calm. Generally, this means picking a calm sea early in the morning, as waves can reduce visibility and make almost every aspect of snorkeling more difficult. Finally, the spot should be interesting. Whether it has plenty of fish, interesting coral, or other unique underwater landmarks, the spot should have something interesting to see from behind the mask.